As a manufacturer, we know that you need to get your products out of your warehouse and into reliable points-of-purchase. This is why we help you reach the market. Not only do we connect you with important distribution, we create and deliver a solid marketing plan for your product. As strategic thinkers who are passionate about the business, we make sure all of our marketing plans include the following:

  • Sales planning
  • Market planning
  • Channel strategy development
  • Pricing structure
  • Category copy
  • Packaging
  • Promotional materials

We provide you with everything you need to sell more of your product, quicker. In short, building and protecting your business is our business.

If you are a distributor or retailer, you are in good hands. Our Founder, Mark Albers, spent years working as a buyer, which means he thinks like you. With a complete understanding of packaging, transportation and distribution challenges, we are able to ensure that you have a variety of quality products to choose from that come from reliable sources. We vet manufacturers to make sure they have the ability to serve you and your  customers well and guarantee successful product distribution without damage so that you can consistently provide top-notch products to your customers.